About Us

Thank you for visiting us! This documents our adoption journey to Bella Catherine Long Luoyue Pearson, in China. Why Chocolate Noodles? Well, we’ve learned that Bella's favorite foods are noodles and candy. Both, Dale and Rachel LOVE chocolate and Beth chose to fast from chocolate until she can share it with Bella. We would be honored if you would follow along as we travel to China to complete our family.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 2012

Well, we’ve been waiting for news all week only to learn today that the Chinese government was closed all week. They shut down for Chinese New Year. We are thankful we know WHO is in control. We wait on the Lord to bring it all to pass.
Sabrina is sending a copy of the expediency letter along with the Chinese translation to the Consulate in China. We are praying they give us the earliest possible travel date.

Sabrina says to use 2/19/12 as the earliest date to enter China. She doesn't know the exact date yet but that is a good date and it won’t matter if it's not exact. We're excited to hear a February date! Anxious for the final date.

We’re starting the visa process today. We’re waiting on the agency to us what date to use in the “Date of Your First Possible Entry into China” field on the form. Not sure that it will mean anything, but we are so anxious to hear what date they give us.

Emailed the agency to let them know we had immigration approval. From Lisa at Nightlight, “Please scan and e-mail it to myself and Sabrina.  Sabrina needs this in order to get your appointment in China.  Also, in a few days you should receive a letter from the NVC stating that the cable has been sent to China.  When you receive that, please also scan and e-mail that to us.

So Rachel and I went to my moms and scanned the document. It should be on its way to China tomorrow.

I received a great birthday present. Our I-800A approval came in the mail today.

I dreamed it was Gotcha Day in China. I saw Bella being walked with other children through the room we were all collected in to the room next door. She was just a few feet from us. The door to the other room was left open and we couldn’t help but peek in at her. The moment had arrived and we were about to get her. Then my heart pounded so hard and fast it woke me up. I had a huge smile on my face when I woke up. It was a great start to my day.

Beautiful! The Chinese translation of the letter from UAB asking that they work to get Bella here quickly!

伯明罕阿拉巴马大学医学中心 小儿医学部


主旨:       关于龙罗月 认养的案子
                                儿童出生日期: 2008年二月二日


本院在此发出证明请求您的机构能加速处理Pearson夫妇收养龙罗月的案例。 这个紧急请求是基于此女童需要急切的医疗照顾, 这女童患有地中海乙型贫血。 患有此病情者需每个月接受定期输血和定时除铁。最令人耽心的是长期输血所造成的毒性反应。长期输血会造成铁质沉积而过量铁质的积聚会对多个器官造成破坏。如不做除铁的治疗,主要受影响的包括脑,心脏、肝脏、胰脏等等器官。而此女童已经做过多次的输血,但她现在接受治疗的地方,没有除铁的药物, 因此也许已经受到此不良影响了 。她需要立刻接受吸附铁质的药物治疗以确保孩子的健康。她会在我们伯明翰医院的血液科接受观察及治疗。




Carin Richard Kiser, 医学博士,

Janet, the translator, called to let us know she had the letter completed. She was so excited to be able to help and to be a part of the adoption journey. She let me know that she called in two friends for assistance, a Chinese medical doctor at UAB and also a professor at UAB who teaches Chinese. They all met at her house on Friday night for dinner and to make sure the translation on the letter was perfect.

How grateful we are for the people God has put in our path as we walk this journey.

Through a friend, we have again secured a much needed contact. She is the principal at the Birmingham Chinese School. We talked about the letter we need translated. She feels she can get it done and also has contact that can help. After reviewing she said she didn’t know anyone personally who was bilingual and could translate such an important letter. However, she is reaching out to other friends at UAB who can help or know someone who can help with the translation. She will ask that anyone who helps will work on a volunteer basis. If a fee is involved she will refer them to us. She says she will follow up in a couple of days.

We talked with the agency about expediting the process. Sabrina wrote back that if we can get the letter from the doctor at the UAB International Adoption Clinic translated into Chinese she can see if we can expedite the consulate article 5 drop off. It is usually a two week process which she has been able to get done in 3-7 days with similar letters. Then we just hope for fast travel approval (TA).

From previous correspondence we were under the impression they had already had the letter translated. Evidently, that is not the case. We are in pursuit of a translator.

December 2011


We received an email from Sabrina telling us congratulations on receiving the LOA. She assures we are just waiting on our travel approval to finalize our adoption journey.

She indicates she will take care of pre-travel arrangements such as helping us obtain our visa; confirming the consulate appointment; confirm travel dates; assist with our flight (international and domestic); hotel arrangement and additional tours in China.

She says we can certainly use our own travel agent but says we should not buy any tickets until we have travel approval. Our favorite part, she reminded us to purchase our child's one way ticket home in her Chinese legal name. We are so close to gettin our little Bella Cat!!

It's here!  It's here!  LOA, it’s finally here!  Dianne overnighted it to you yesterday so it should arrive today.  Please confirm that you got this message as I see you are out of the office.  Merry Christmas!

From Nightlight: “I checked with CCCWA's accounting department.  The account is cleared.  I am calling the LOA officer to release the LOA.” We should have it in about 10 days. 

Update to friends and supporters: “Letter of Approval (LOA) has been granted!!! We have received word that our petition to adopt Long LuoYue (aka. Bella Catherine) has been approved in China. We are VERY excited about that. However, as of today, our LOA has not been mailed from China. We need that document to get here so that we can sign, return and go through the remaining steps. There are forms ready to go through U.S. immigration and then back through China for their approval. Other steps are the immunizations, travel visas and the actual Travel Approval (TA) and subsequent scheduling of our travel. We can hardly believe this is all that stands between us and Bella now!

Submitted along with our paperwork to China and to U.S. Immigration was a request to expedite. This was a letter from the UAB Internationally Adopted Children’s Clinic doctor who initially reviewed Bella’s file. The U.S. immigration department did expedite our first forms and has agreed to expedite these remaining forms for us. China has not committed to expedite anything yet. Best case scenario without expedition would mean we have our TA in about 6 weeks. We will take that, but we would love to get to her sooner. Our hearts long to have her and we certainly want her to get the medicine she needs. Please pray we have favor with China and that they do truly expedite and give us travel as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much for your continued support, encouragement and prayers. You will never know how much your prayers have done and how they continue to keep us motivated and believing God for such a precious gift.”

Every blessing to you and your families throughout the Christmas Season and 2012! I will keep you posted on our journey.

Yes, the file has already passed the review room and is ready for LOA.  The officer said there is a money issue.   CCCWA changed its name in September with the bank.  When Nightlight sent the cashier's check, it was in the old name. They immediately wired the money to CCCWA.  Sabrina tried to call the accounting department last night, but the person in charge did not answer the phone.  She will call again tonight.  The wire had been confirmed receipt when it was sent.

Posted on Facebook: “Wait on the Lord! He keeps telling us there’s something He’s not telling us, like exactly “how” this whole thing is going to work out. This we can know, it’s going to be perfect!”

Sabrina checked her email last night and tried to call the CCCWA. No one answered. It is Friday night there. She will continue to contact beginning Sunday night here.

November 2011

Delays, delays, delays... We sent an email to Nightlight asking if there is any reason to be concerned about the amount of time it is taking for our LOA to be approved. We reread some emails indicating several families were taking about 8 weeks and others 6-10 weeks. We are in week 10 now. We’re anxious and wanting to know that everything is actually on track as expected.

They replied that they have no concerns. Everything is behind in China due to the long holiday in early October. They expect approval anytime.

We spoke with the adoption representative last week and she said our paperwork has been in process in China since 10/25/11. She expects us to get news of our notice that we have a Letter of Acceptance any time now. She also said they will probably expedite these last two phases for us meaning we could receive notice and be in China before the end of the semester.

Waiting 9 weeks and three days… but who’s counting? Praying we get news from China TODAY!

Made the initial contact with the travel agent referred to us by friends. They also adopted from China and were very pleased with their travel agent.

October 2011

New pictures!! We got some fun new pictures of Miss Bella Catherine Long Luoyue Pearson!

Receiving peace from this verse today, “I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Our prayer every day is that today is the day we get some news! If not, we will not be discouraged or disappointed. There is no need! We know our God and understand what He has said. We know all things will work out in His timing.

Our care package arrived at the orphanage.

Event Description
Oct 11 2011 4:13PM
Delivered,Sign for by:单位收发章收发章收
Oct 10 2011 5:30PM
Deliver via EMS, Tracking Number:EN578477026CS
Oct 10 2011 5:15PM
Arrived at Shanghai/CN
Oct 6 2011 7:00PM
Departure from LA Hub to Shanghai
Oct 6 2011 6:16PM
Arrived at LA Hub/US
Oct 6 2011 5:05PM
Checked in at Losangeles/US
We just learned this week is the celebration of National Day, October 1, in China. The government closes and the country celebrates for the entire week. We won’t get any news on Bella or how fact the process might go until next week. Our lessons in patience continue…

September 2011

Posted on Facebook: Been calculating… A couple of steps in not totally clear on, but I’m thinking we may be looking at late-Nov or early-Dec travel to China. Praying that is the case.

Just told Rachel the timeline and she is terrified. Lord, help me! She is in freak-out mode over the fact that she really is going to have this little sister now. It’s exciting and fun and terrifying all at once for her.

Early this morning I had an unexpected but much appreciated call from a friend and colleague. I’ve only met Bill in person about four times. Every time it was in a business setting and we only discussed insurance issues. 

Bill heard through his daughter who works for him that we are adopting. She happened to be in Birmingham at our office on one of the days I received an update on Bella. Someone brought her by to meet me right after I had received the update and needless to say I was very excited and shared the news with her. I had never met her prior. Once back at the office, she shared the news with Bill. He called a few days later to encourage me and share in the excitement. He's asked how things are progressing ever since and we talk every few weeks. I’ve included him on the email updates ever since. Bill is a wise man and reminds me of our Sunday School teacher and dear friend Dale and I had when we first married.

Bill messaged me early this morning asking that I call about both personal and business matters. I called at 7:30am and he told me he had been up since 3:00am this morning praying for me, Dale, Rachel and Bella and that he wanted to share some things the Holy Spirit revealed to him. I was very excited and all ears.

Bill taught me that 3:00am, according the Jewish history, is the last watch and the time when most of the earth is asleep so the Holy Spirit is speaking to those who will hear. Just yesterday I was reading about the significance of Jewish feasts and traditions and their significance today. Bill went on to say that today’s Jewish Rabbi’s believe there is less spiritual warfare going on during the last watch and that the Holy Spirit wakes people up specifically during that watch to reveal truth to them. God has been waking me up at 2:48 or 3:08 for several weeks, at least two or three times a week for prayer and Bible study.

Bill and I talked about those times when you can almost feel the Holy Spirit sitting with you just like a real person in those early morning hours. Bill journals and writes down everything he hears and reads during those times. Me? I’m not so much a journalist; I more or less just fumble through. But it is always a good day when I’ve had that morning experience with the Lord. 

Bill asked the Lord this morning, “Why is Bella coming?” He said he asked God, “Why Bella; why not another child?” He then looked up Bella’s name to see what it means. He asked me if I knew. I said yes, “Gift of God’s Favor.” Recently, in one of my morning Bible studies I felt impressed to look her name up again. We had been praying for God’s favor and when I saw her name I knew He was going to give us the favor we needed with immigration and with China. With excitement Bill responded, “Exactly right!” He said he feels very strongly that God is carrying our family on a journey of which Bella is only a part.

Dale and I both know God is moving us and has been for a long time into some type of ministry. We for a time thought it may be this adoption but we know this is only a part and a beginning, not the entire story. Until now, we have thought it will be when we are older and in our retirement years… now we sense maybe it is sooner rather than later. Bill said he felt the Holy Spirit impress on him that Bella will be mighty for God and through her seed will come some mighty believers. I have been praying for her to be able to conceive. One of the complications of Thalassemia is infertility. He said we need to remember that Satan hates children and he always has. He will work against us the whole time. 

He also said that the fact that I’m giving up my position at work when I’ve achieved much is significant in this plan. I shared that in the world’s economy it doesn’t add up and makes no sense to do the adoption, especially considering Bella’s medical needs. But I told Bill I knew God would work it out because He has given both me and Dale peace over something we have no answers for.

He reminded me that Biblically God pays back our giving and our sacrifices 30, 60 and even 100 times. He shared a very sweet story of how God did that for him shortly after he became a believer and his little girl was just a baby. He trusted God enough to tithe even though he was a new believer and wasn’t sure what it was even about. The first time he tithed he and his wife added up the bills and, with tithing, didn’t have money for baby food. He went to work that Monday morning and in his mailbox was $750 in small checks from the company he used to work for. They had found an error in their accounting and realized they cut his commissions short for several years. That was a month’s salary for him at that time.

He said he also felt the Holy Spirit reveal to him that we will face opposition and that trying times are ahead. He stressed that we must always remember that in facts vs. truth, truth wins every time, never doubt it. He said he believes we will be in a place about eight years from now where we will look back and realize the bigger picture of all that is going on now.

The fact that God spoke all of this to him rather than to someone who truly knows us and has a history with our family is significant to me. The confirmations I have included in italics are also significant to me and evidence this is the Holy Spirit. Now, we just have to seek God and ask, “What does all of this mean?”

Praying we will have clarity and choose to do God’s will, whatever the costs.

Update to friends and supporters: “We have a Log-In-Date in China of (LID) of 9-23-11. Thank you for your prayers as we just met the 9/25/11 deadline! The next step is the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from China. Our agency says that lately it is has been taking eight weeks to get the LOA. We are praying God uses the letter from the UAB physician to gain us favor with China and that LOA comes much quicker than eight weeks.

I had told some of my friends that God had given me “40-days” as a marker on 8-11-11. I had no idea why 40 days nor what it meant. The 40th day was 9-19-11, the exact date our packet was mailed to China. Admittedly, sometimes I have such small faith.

Please continue to pray for favor and speed as we go through these last steps.”

My new friend and 31-Gifts consultant, Candi Boisele, offered an adoption fundraiser for us. We had close to $1,200 in orders! Candi will give us 25% of the final order, her entire profit margin. God has allowed us to share this journey with so many people. We are thankful for their generous hearts.

Posted on Facebook: I dreamed about Gotcha Day in China. I don’t know what I’m more excited about, watching Dale and Rachel when they bring Bella out to meet us or seeing her myself or the first time. So very anxious for some news!

We finally have confirmation that everything is in China. What a relief. We were within a week of the deadline. We hope to get an update tomorrow about whether or not China will expedite this for us. We pray they do.

I want to share something personal. On August 11, I read and ehard "40-days" four separate times. I'm admittedly a bit slow sometimes when it comes to hearing God. the forth time it finally dawned on me that the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me something. So I noted the date in my phone. Monday was the 4oth day. It came and went with no news. Then me, taking control because I saw no immediate evidence, thought maybe it was 40-days from the date I actually realized what I heard, so that would mean Tuesday. Tuesday came and went with no news. Then I decide it must have just been me being dramatic and not the Holy Spirit with the whole "40-days" ordeal.

This morning I called the agency for an update on the delivery of our paperwork. They said "No worries!" They had just forgotten to notify me on Monday, the 40th day, that everything was sent to China.

I've been trying for years now to have faith the size of a mustard seed and I'm still having to work at that. To let God be God is a challenge for me.

We thank you for your continued prayers for us and for Bella. Thanks for thinking of us and for saying such encouraging things to us. Your words mean so much.   

We have been approved through immigration and all fingerprints have been completed. Our dossier is now in California for authentication. It goes much faster there. Once authenticated, it will be shipped to China.   

The LOA will then be issued and sent to us to sign and we will need to file the I-800 form with USCIS with a copy of the signed LOA. We will again let them know this is an expedited case. Once you have the I-800 approval, the NVC (National Visa Center) will send you the visa letter and that also goes to China and from there you will be issued the TA (Travel Approval). The question is….how much can and will China do to hurry the procedure along.

August 2011

We received a call from Jon at the US Immigration office. He informed me that he would be handling the expedition of our I-800a forms. So surprised and grateful! Thank you Lord! 

We have to send him the police clearance letter for mom since her fingerprints never took. After he has that he will be ready to approve.

I talked to Margaret at US Immigration today. Our paperwork is not there yet but she does have the cooperating letter from Wastash Adoptions asking that they expedite. However, in reviewing she said, “Thalassemia B is that the same thing as anemia.” Then she went on to explain they will not expedite our case. I fell apart. Once I regained my composure, I explained that the type she has requires chronic blood transfusions and the intake of iron rich blood damages the major organs. As explained to us by the doctor, without medication, the extra iron deposits will likely decrease her life expectancy to her second or third decade.

She then said she would take it to her supervisor but he is very strict on expediting cases. She is not aware of him ever approving Thalassemia B for expediency. I asked her to wait to have the discussion only after the doctor letter is received too. I explained that he would only have full information about the need to expedite with that letter. She agreed and asked me to call again on Friday to see if it has arrived.

I will call back on Friday.

Great news and answered prayer! We learned through Sabrina that when she last asked for an extension on our case, she was given the deadline of September 25, 2011.  That means we have a few weeks yet, so we just have to keep praying.  Praise the Lord!

Posted on Facebook:

Got a receipt from Homeland Security with our immigration case number!! Let’s ROLL!!

Update to friends and supporters:

“Our Home study, I-800A, dossier and a care to Bella were all mailed last week. Our letter included in the care package will be interpreted into Chinese and then sent to Bella’s foster home.  It also included a photo album of us and our home and her room.

We are getting close but are running up against a tight deadline of August 28 to have all of our paperwork, including immigration approval in China. We won’t make that deadline. Immigration takes a minimum of 40-50 days and up to 90. We need favor with China and for them to be willing to wait for our immigration approval. Sabrina, our adoption representative with China, feels she can send all other parts of our dossier and ask for more time for the immigration approval. We pray they extend our deadline. However, China may remove us at the matched family for Bella and she will be placed back on the available child list. Worst case scenario is that she is then matched with another family before we get approved. At that point we will wait to be matched with another child. We feel God has led us through every step and that Bella is our daughter. Unless He closes the door, we are looking for Him to remove the barriers and get us to her ASAP.

Through a friend of a friend of a friend I have been able to secure a contact with Senator Jeff Session’s office that has influence with Immigration. With one phone call she agreed to help push our case through once we are assigned a case number. Not sure how much time she can cut off but I am looking for our immigration receipt with the case number in the mail daily! That should be here at the by next Friday at the latest.

We have done all required of us to this point. As a friend told me yesterday, it is now time for us to be still and wait on the Lord.  We are praying for expediency with immigration and favor with China!! Thank you for praying with and for us.”

Rachel got her driver’s permit today! Since she will be Bella’s chauffer it is certainly worthy of noting in the timeline for sure!

Update to friends and supporters: “We are praying Godspeed for the immigration process. We sent it with a request to expedite due to the China deadline and her need for medication. It also had a letter from the doctor requesting expediency. God has blessed us with a contact at Senator Jeff Sessions’s office that has influence with immigration and can get cases pushed through. She said she will gladly help us once we get our case number. So hopefully, we will have the immigration approval and the original home study shortly!”

After the 8/2 email, we received a great lead from someone experienced in the adoption community. She gave us the following contact information to help expedite our paperwork.

“If she lives in Alabama and in Senator Session’s district she needs to contact Ms. Davis at Sessions Birmingham office. She has the ability to fast track things through USCIS. They cannot do anything on the China end. I will look and see if I can find her number.

I also know a women who is a Chinese adoptive parent who has managed to move mountains for her child who is there and that they are waiting to bring home. I will send her a copy of the note to see if she knows of any other plans to take to get the child the medicine she needs.”

Update to friends and supporters:

“You’ve been so kind to pray for us throughout the adoption process. We are getting close but are running up against a tight deadline of August 28 to have all of our paperwork, including immigration approval in China. We won’t make that deadline. Immigration takes a minimum of 40-50 days and up to 90. Our paperwork will not be sent to them until tomorrow or Thursday at the earliest. We are overnighting our packet with a letter explaining the tight deadline and requesting expedition. Our packet will also include a letter from the doctor at UAB requesting an expedited adoption so that Bella can begin taking a much needed medication that is unavailable in China.

We need favor with China and for them to be willing to wait for our immigration approval. Sabrina, our adoption representative with China, feels she can send all other parts of our dossier and ask for more time for the immigration approval. We pray they extend our deadline. However, China may remove us at the matched family for Bella and she will be placed back on the available child list. Worst case scenario is that she is then matched with another family before we get approved. At that point we will wait to be matched with another child. We feel God has led us through every step and that Bella is our daughter. Unless He closes the door, we are looking for Him to remove the barriers and get us to her ASAP.

In the meantime, we are sending a care package to Bella with toys, and outfit, blanket, photo album and letter. We are hoping that too helps China show us favor.

Thank you all for continued prayer!”

July 2011

We were excited to get an update while at the beach for Dale and Rachel’s birthdays.

Little Bella doesn’t look very excited to be having her picture made this time. She may be like her mama and not really enjoy the hot weather. But look at how her hair has grown and that haircut makes her look so grown up. She’s just getting cuter and looking sweeter with every update.

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that this is God’s plan and that He will assure that it comes to pass. We’re continually overwhelmed by the process. We cannot imagine how anyone walks through this journey without the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. Without that, it would seem impossible.

Today we learn there is more paperwork to redo. This time it will mean new medicals for both me and Dale along with a lot of phone calls, paying for official documents again and waiting.

From Dianne at Nightlight Christian Adoptions:

“I received a note from Lisa today about the dates of your dossier. In reviewing our file, she realized all of our notarized and certified documents are, unfortunately, all out of date. We will need to redo:

Petition to adopt (notarized 1/3/11)
Birth Certificate Dale (ordered 1/24/11)
Birth Certificate Beth (ordered 1/24/11)
Marriage (ordered 11/30/10)
Employment Letter Dale (notarized 1/26/11)
Employment Letter Beth (notarized 1/11/11)
Financial Statement (notarized 1/28/11)
Medical Report Dale (notarized 2/14/11)
Medical Report Beth (notarized 2/14/11)
Police Report Dale (notarized 2/14/11)
Police Report Beth (notarized 2/14/11)”
Police Report Beth #2 (notarized 2/14/11)
I171H (immigration approval) COVER LETTER/AFFIDAVIT signed 12/20/10
Guardianship Notice (notarized 2/14/11)

UGH… back to square one on a lot of the paperwork…