About Us

Thank you for visiting us! This documents our adoption journey to Bella Catherine Long Luoyue Pearson, in China. Why Chocolate Noodles? Well, we’ve learned that Bella's favorite foods are noodles and candy. Both, Dale and Rachel LOVE chocolate and Beth chose to fast from chocolate until she can share it with Bella. We would be honored if you would follow along as we travel to China to complete our family.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Finally Gotcha!

The moment we couldn't imagine finally arrived. Today at about 3:00 she walked into the room where we were doing paperwork. Dale saw her first and pointed. We looked as she waved, said, "Hi Mama" and walked straight into Dale's arms. It was an unexpected glorious moment of ease. Lily said , "No, not yet!" and her foster parents took her back out while we finished. During that time Bella began to become a little more apprehensive. We talked with the foster parents and tried to show Bella toys. She wanted her foster mom even more when she realized this was really going to happen. Her foster mom finally left the room without a final good bye and it broke Bella's heart that she was gone. We made our way to the car with her wailing. For the next 40 minutes she cried and cried. So did we. What a strange mix of emotions. As she sat in my lap I prayed over and over asking God to ease the pain in her heart and let her know it will all be worth it.

Our guide, Lily, suggested we go to the park rather than to our room so that Bella could play and get her mind off her foster parents. The park was beautiful and Bella slowly adjusted to us as we helped her slide and play. She was laughing by the time we made the walk back to our hotel room. There she was ectatic when she saw her toys and a pink pair of sandals. She's been nothing but giggle and silliness since. It's after a long, loud and very fun bath and Simone animal crackers. Everyone is settling down and we are hoping for an easy bedtime. Foster mom told us she likes to hug her babydoll really tight to go to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Got on my Mom's facebook to see if you'd posted any pictures...seeing you guys as a family makes my heart smile. Love that the sister bond is already evident between Bella and Rachel. Miss you guys. Can't wait to see you and meet Bella!!
